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.: Border Science :.
What does she know that we don’t know?

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Welcome to the site dedicated to everything that is Border Science.
since 2009 I have been interested in the so-called “Border Science” (ie consisting of heterodox theories compared to orthodox theories that are the basis or common to many other scientific disciplines) and I have gained a certain knowledge that I make available to those who like me can no longer be satisfied with 400-year-old theories kept alive for the sole purpose of keeping the human intellect dormant!
And in particular…
Sir Isaac Newton and hisnow stale apple , Galileo Galilei , even Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier with his famous “nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed” … we will question everything in this incredible journey if you want to undertake it, you will rediscover how the Ptolemy and Aristotelian conception are the most illuminating, in this which is nothing other than rediscovering things already known by the Ancients in this Infinite History or the search for Truth!
It will be painful to unlearn what up until now were your certainties, you will be laughed at, pointed at crazy but with the intimate satisfaction of understanding and really knowing how the heart of nature works! Personally, I was amazed by the Italian characters who became interested in border science.

I called the site “fortunadrago” (founded in 2010) I’m lucky a dragon because for this trip we will need a friend who, like in the movie “The Neverending Story”, will help us, “… having a Fortunadrago with you is the only way to go on a mission, everything will be fine! do not give up ! and luck will come to you! “
Have a dragon fortune… actually they are many friends , and we will get to know them little by little!
NB the interventions in blue are notes of the undersigned in addition to the original
Twin site link : https://fortunadrago.wordpress.com/
(due to numerous attacks on the site by various techniques, it was decided to open a twin site at: https://fortunadrago.wordpress.com/sitemap/ )
For friends who are not Italian, please use the translator above the clock :

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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Lj867fMxZ8
The Site ( was deliberately without advertising, until july 2022 ) can be navigated via the black menu bar on the header or with the SiteMap .
For me Pier Luigi Ighina was my Fortunadrago and I hope he is for you too !! Have a good trip on the wings of Fortunadrago!
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